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Utopian page

A 16th century page with examples of Utopian alphabet and vocabulary.

The Utopian language is a language spoken on the island of Utopia located in the Americas.



Utopian pronunciation is similar to Ecclesiastical Latin used by the Roman Catholic Church during the 1500s.


The grammar of the Utopian language seems to be very similar to that of Latin and Greek.


Utopian texts allows us to identify at least three cases for nouns (nominative, accusative, and ablative), and at least two tenses for verbs (present and past). It is likely, however, that Utopian nouns have all six cases found in Latin, and verbs also have a future tense, if not others as well.


The usual word order is Subject-Verb-Object, as in English, and even the Latin of the 1500s.

Writing system[]

Utopian is written with the Utopian alphabet. The following table shows Utopian letters with their roman equivalent:



Below is an example of a Utopian quatrain:

Utopian language sample

Below is the same verse in Utopian translated into the Latin alphabet.

Vtopos ha Boccas peula chama
polta chamaan
Bargol he maglomi baccan
ſoma gymnoſophaon
Agrama gymnoſophon labarem
bacha bodamilomin
Voluala barchin heman la
lauoluola dramme pagloni

It is translated literally into Latin as:

Utopus me dux ex non insula fecit insulam.
Una ego terrarum omnium abs-- philosophia
Civitatem philosophicam expressi mortalibus
Libenter impartio mea, non gravatim accipio meliora.[1]

This, in turn, is translated into English as follows:

The commander Utopus made me, who was once not an island, into an island. I alone of all nations, without philosophy have portrayed for mortals the philosophical city.
Freely I impart my benefits; not unwillingly I accept whatever is better.


Vocabulary of the Utopian Language
Utopian English
agrama city (cf. Sanskrit grāmam, village)
baccan of all
barchin I impart
bargol one, the only
boccas commander
bodamilomin for the mortals
chama island (ablative)
chamaan island (accusative)
dramme I accept
gymnosophaon philosophy (ablative)

[2] || philosophical (accusative)

ha me
he I
heman (that which is) mine
la not
lavoluola unwillingly (la + voluala)
maglomi of the lands
pagloni that which is better; better things
peula not (ablative)
polta made
soma without
Utopos Utopus (mythical founder of Utopia)
voluala freely, willingly


This page uses content from Wikipedia.
The original article was at Utopian language.

  1. Copied from this site (page 13).
  2. Strangely enough, gymnosophos (acc. gymnosophon) literally means "knowing nudity" in Greek. Gymnosophist ("naked sophist") was the Greek name for Indian yogis.
